Art and Cultural club


At CEBS, we have an annual art festival: Oris, with the basic motive of expression via art form. The participation is free and open to all. A theme is given at the beginning of the event, and the participants express that freely via various art forms, be it painting, drawing, sketching or writing with some concept or motivation behind their work, which they then share with all others while presenting their work in the later half of the event.

With this round of mutual discussions and presentations, a mutual appreciation amongst the participants follow. The event is not just an art competition because we realise that art is subjective, and individual judgement alone is not sufficient. ORIS is usually organized in the spring semester.

CEBS students are quite accomplished artists and their work has been showcased at exhibitions. Examples of art work from ORIS 2019 are illustrated below.


An annual musical concert where eminent artists are invited to perform. Apart from the artists , CEBS students also exhibit their talents in singing and music. Dhwani, the musical evening, aim to enrich the vibrant academic ambiance of CEBS with a classical vocal rendition by a distinguished artist. The event enables young students to appreciate the richness of Indian Classical Music, while giving everyone in CBES a welcome getaway from the hectic schedule of an Academic Institute. The guest performance is followed by those of faculty and students, which gives expression to their creativity.

Symphonia :

Open Mic Night is conducted by the CBS Music Club and Literary Club as a platform for the students, staff and faculty to try their hand at music, poetry or simply sharing their thoughts. The event is held through the semester as a chance for the community to unwind with a cultural evening. The Inter IISER Culture Meet (IICM), 2019 was held in IISER Thiruvananthapuram from 20th to 22nd December 2019, where UM-DAE CEBS sent a contingent of 30 students. The students participated in over all 15 different competitions like music, dance, arts, quiz, debate, painting, photography and personality contest etc. The students performed with the fullest of their creativity and enthusiasm and brought laurels to the institute by securing a second place in Mudra (Group Dance competition – Tanveer, Ashwini, Ashish, Krishna, Muskan, Durgeshwari, Shashank, Krutik, Vishal, Bipasha) and securing third places in Battle of Bands and Vyaktitva (personality contest).Team CEBS earned a title of “out of Box Thinkers” from the audience . Our participants were unable to secure a medal position in all the events even though their performances were respectable but, even participating and competing there taught them many important life skills this was the first year experience for our participants and our students look forward to compete with more betterment next year.

Inter IISER Cultural Meet (2019)

Students of UM-DAE CEBS (total : 25) participated in inter IISER Culture Meet (IICM) - 2019, organized by IISER, Trivendrum during 20 -22th December 2019. The CBES students participated in music, dance, arts, quiz, debate, painting, photography and personality contest. The CBES team earned the title of "Out of the Box Thinkers" and secured Second place in Mudra - Group Dance competition and Third places in Battle of the Bands and Vyaktitva (personality contest).


UM-DAE Centre for Excellence in Basic Sciences
"Nalanda", Opp Nano Sciences Building,
University of Mumbai, Vidyanagari,
Mumbai 400098, India.
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About Us

CEBS was set up by the Department of Atomic Energy and the University of Mumbai in 2007. CEBS offers a 5 year integrated MSc program in Basic Sciences, with undergraduate teaching embedded in a postgraduate and research environment, for students who have completed 10+2 schooling or its equivalent.

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