Blood Donation Camp

UM-DAE CEBS has celebrated DAE Iconic Wee k as per the following activities mentioned below – Day -1 Blood Donation Camp and Lecture on Mental Stress and benefits of Yoga – (Monday, 22nd August, 2022) Blood Donation Camp - Many surgical interventions and medical procedures require blood transfusions, which is always in short supply. There is a need for socially committed individuals to come forward and donate blood voluntarily which can save lives. With this aim in mind, on the occasion of the DAE Iconic Week, CEBS has arranged blood donation camp on Monday, 22nd August, 2022 from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm in the Room no. 505, 5th Floor, Takshashila, UM-DAE CEBS. The Blood Collection Unit of Jaslok hospital is invited to the Centre and students and volunteers donate blood. The camp has received a huge response as 49 members which includes students, staff have donated blood voluntarily.

UM-DAE Centre for Excellence in Basic Sciences
"Nalanda", Opp Nano Sciences Building,
University of Mumbai, Vidyanagari,
Mumbai 400098, India.
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CEBS was set up by the Department of Atomic Energy and the University of Mumbai in 2007. CEBS offers a 5 year integrated MSc program in Basic Sciences, with undergraduate teaching embedded in a postgraduate and research environment, for students who have completed 10+2 schooling or its equivalent.

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