Sangita Bose

Associate Professor


  • Ph.D. in Physics, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai (2007) Thesis title “Finite size effects in nanostructured superconductors”
  • Master of Science in Physics, Calcutta University (2000)
  • Bachelor of Science in Physics (Honors) Calcutta University (1998)


  • Alexander Von Humboldt (Post-doctoral) Fellow, Nanoscale Science Department, Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Stuttgart, Germany.(August 2007- January 2010)
  • Visiting Scientist, Department of Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai. (February 2010-June 2010)

Research Interest:

My research interest is broadly based on experimental condensed matter physics and nanoscience. Specialized topics of interest are listed below.

Nanomaterials and low dimensional systems, Thin films, Superconductivity, Magnetism,Transport based spectroscopic measurements, Low temperature Physics, Low temperature Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM)

My current interest revolves around the study of electronic properties of superconducting and magnetic thin films, nanostructures and nanocomposites using transport based spectroscopic methods.

Selected Publications:

Papers related to Nanoscale superconductivity:

  • Mechanism of the size dependence of superconducting transition temperature in nanocrystalline Nb Sangita Bose, Pratap Raychaudhuri, Rajarshi Banerjee, Parinda Vasa and Pushan Ayyub, Phys Rev Lett. 95, 147003 (2005).
  • Upper critical field in nanostructured Nb: Competing effects of the reduction in density of states and the mean free path Sangita Bose, Pratap Raychaudhuri, Rajarshi Banerjee and Pushan Ayyub, Phys. Rev. B, 74, 224502 (2006).
  • Study of proximity effect in Pb/Ag nanocomposites Sangita Bose and Pushan Ayyub, Phys. Rev. B, 76, 144510 (2007).
  • Proximity effect controlled superconducting behavior of novel biphasic Pb-Sn nanoparticles embedded in an Al matrix Sangita Bose et al. , Acta Materialia, 56, 4552 (2008).
  • Competing effects of surface phonon softening and quantum size effects on the superconducting properties of nanostructured Pb Sangita Bose et al., J. Physics, Condens. Matter, 21, 205702 (2009).
  • Observation of shell effects in superconducting nanoparticles of Sn Sangita Bose et al., Nature Materials 9,550-554 (2010), Highlighted in Nature Nanotechnology 5, 558 (2010)

Other Topics:

  • Size effects on the local magnetism and Kondo behaviour of isolated Fe impurity in nanocrystalline metallic hosts S. N. Mishra, S. Bose, P. Vasa and P. Ayyub, Phys. Rev. B 71, 094429 (2005).
  • Quasiparticle Chirality in Epitaxial Graphene Probed at the Nanometer Scale I. Brihuega, P. Mallet, C. Bena, S. Bose, C. Michaelis, L. Vitali, F. Varchon, L. Magaud, K. Kern & J. Y. Veuillen, Phys. Rev. Lett., 101, 206802 (2008).
  • Image potential states as quantum probe of graphene interfaces Sangita Bose et al. New Journal of Physics, 12, 023028 (2010)
  •  My personal webpage :-

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University of Mumbai, Vidyanagari,
Mumbai 400098, India.
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